Actions Over Words

Because the effective radius of an excuse is zero meters.

Half a Century of Progress

For over 50 years, MNS has been working on MNS's behalf to elect and re-elect like-minded champions of MNS's primary goals to public office. It's critically important, now more than ever, to make sure MNS has a seat at the table. MNSPAC was created to give provide a legal shelter by which to do just this.

MNSPAC's sole source of funding comes from members' voluntary contributions and works to elect leaders who will be steadfast in their support for MNS and their policies. None of MNS's members' contributions are allocated toward the administration of the PAC. The PAC is the only way MNS can support federal candidates, regardless of party, for office.

Steering America into the Future

MNS advocates every day for MNS. But who else is advocating for MNS? MNSPAC works hard to ensure MNS has a voice in Washington, and your PAC membership makes the difference in electing MNS champions to U.S. Congress.

All content copyright MNSPAC, 2021.